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Monday, November 20, 2006

Play Fighting Chess With Combination!~The Eleven Symptoms

  • Look for pieces that are defending other pieces.

  • It is possible to block the line of fire of a defending piece so that it no longer fulfils its function?

  • It is possible to increase the pressure by opening up more lines of attack in some way?

  • Watch for tactical possiblilities base on back-rank mates.

  • Look for ranks, files and diagonals that contain more than one enemy piece and try to find ways of "skewering' them.

  • Watch for forking possibilities.

  • When there are not many pieces on the board, be on the lookout for ways of creating passed pawns by decoying enemy pawns off important files.

  • When you think you are losing but you have very few legal moves, look for ways to give up your remaining pieces and reduce your mobility to zero. Stalemate is sometimes overlooked by GrandMasters.

  • Be alert to take advantage of pins, not only of those that present themselves but also those that can be created.

  • If your opponent's king looks vulnerable, investigate all possible ways of increasing the pressure against it.

  • Look especially and constantlly for enemy pieces that are performing more than one function?


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